The Administrative office for the South Dakota Department of Corrections is located in Pierre, SD. You can contact us at the address or phone/fax numbers listed below.

South Dakota Department of Corrections
3200 East Highway 34, c/o 500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: (605) 773-3478
Fax: (605) 773-6810
Twitter:  @SouthDakotaDOC

Instagram: sdcorrections    



South Dakota State Penitentiary     (605) 367-5051
Jameson Annex to the Penitentiary (605) 367-5120
Mike Durfee State Prison (605) 369-2201
South Dakota Women's Prison (605) 773-6636

Yankton Community Work Center  (605) 668-3354

Rapid City Community Work Center  (605) 394-5294

Board of Pardons and Paroles  (605) 367-5040

Central Records  (605) 367-5140


For information on adult corrections facilities and parole and juvenile community corrections offices, click on the links in the box to the left.