Juvenile Corrections

juvenile aftercare

Juvenile Community Corrections are the offices within the Division of Juvenile Corrections which provide intake, placement, case management and aftercare services for juvenile offenders who have been committed to the Department of Corrections.

At the time of commitment, a Juvenile Corrections Agent (JCA) is assigned to work with the juvenile until his or her discharge from the Department of Corrections.

Working with the youth, and family, the JCA collects extensive information from a variety of sources and completes necessary assessment tools to assist in determining the level of care necessary to meet the needs of the youth and the safety interest of the public.

Through a standardized risk assessment system, the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory 2.0, the JCA is able to evaluate a juvenile’s risks, needs, and responsivity factors, and match services to the identified criminological needs. The factors considered in determining risk levels include prior and current offenses, family circumstances/parenting, education/employment, peer relations, substance abuse, leisure/recreation, personality/behavior, and attitudes/orientation. Risk factors, special needs assessments, along with medical necessity are used to determine the services to be provided during the commitment period.

Throughout the placement period, the JCA works with the facility, youth, family and/or future caregivers to provide necessary case management services and aftercare planning services. Once released to aftercare, the JCA delivers interventions, provides supervision as well as referral to necessary community based services. The JCA may initiate aftercare revocation proceedings if necessary.

The Director of Juvenile Services oversees all Juvenile Community Corrections operations which are divided into three regions: East, West and Southern. Each region has a regional Juvenile Corrections Agent Supervisor.

List of JCA Offices

What is a JCA?