News From the department of corrections
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12-23 Inmates, DOC staff members in spirit of holiday season
12-11 State prison inmate back in custody
11-21 State prison inmate dies
10-13 State prison inmate back in custody
10-2 Search underway for missing state prison inmate
8-30 Board of Pardons and Paroles selected as Learning Site
7-25 State prison inmate back in custody
7-24 Search underway for missing state prison inmate
7-19 Court Services, Parole, Juvenile Corrections Agents honored
7-16 State prison population increases slightly
7-16 State juvenile offender population continues downward trend
5-24 State prison inmates assisting with storm cleanup near Bowdle
5-24 State prison inmate back in custody
5-24 Search underway for missing state prison inmate
5-7 State prison inmates to assist with cleanup
5-3 State prison inmates assisting with Pierre cleanup
5-3 Governor Rounds proclaims Correctional Employees Week in South Dakota
4-30 State prison inmate back in custody
4-15 State prison inmates assisting with Interstate cleanup project
3-25 Council of Juvenile Services Agenda 3/25/2010
3-8 State prison inmate back in custody
3-7 Search underway for missing state prison inmate
2-24 DOC to host public meeting on Rapid City Minimum Unit/Parole Offices
1-14 Gov. Rounds appoints Albers to Board of Pardons and Paroles
1-15 Mitchell man re-elected chairman of Board of Pardons and Paroles