News From the department of corrections

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12-24  State Prison Inmate Dies

12-28  State prison inmate to be released   Photo


11-15  State prison inmate dies

11-15 Corrections Commission Agenda November 16-17, 2011


10-21  State expands execution protocols

10-24  State releases National Institute of Corrections Technical Assistance Report

10-27  State prison inmates make, donate winter clothing for needy


9-1  Department of Corrections teams with Nixle Communications

9-8  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

9-8  State prison inmate back in custody

9-15  Two arrested for attempting to deliver contraband to State Penitentiary inmates

9-21  State receives $1 million for Second Chance Act Prisoner Reentry Initiative

9-27  State reports full compliance with Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act

9-27  State prison inmate dies

9-27  Parolee dies


8-12  Penitentiary staff member to receive American Correctional Officer Medal of Honor

8-29  State prison inmate dies


7-3  State prison inmate dies

7-15 Court Services Officers, Parole Agents and Juvenile Corrections Agents honored

7-17 State prison inmate dies

7-30 State prison inmate dies


6-13  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

6-14  State prison inmate back in custody

6-15  State prison inmate dies

6-17  State prison inmate dies

6-28  State prison inmate back in custody


5-3  New Secretary of Corrections begins work

5-3  State prison inmate back in custody

5-3  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

5-4  State prison inmates assist in roadside cleanup projects

5-9  Governor Daugaard Releases Penitentiary After-Incident Report

       SDSP After-Incident Report

5-10  State prison inmate dies

5-10  State prison inmate back in custody

5-13  Inmate phone system rates decrease

5-13  State prison inmates assisting with Pierre cleanup project

5-14  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

5-16  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

5-20  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

5-22  State prison inmate back in custody

5-22  State prison inmate back in custody

5-26  South Dakota first state to attain highest level in Performance-based Standards project

5-31  Media Advisory: Council of Juvenile Services meeting cancelled


4-1  State prison inmate back in custody

4-1  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

4-4  Governor selects new Corrections Secretary

4-9  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

4-12  Penitentiary correctional officer killed during escape attempt

4-14  Governor Asks For Flags at Half-Staff For Slain Correctional Officer

4-14  South Dakota State Penitentiary resumes standard operations

4-15  Governor Daugaard Offers Update on Incident at State Penitentiary

4-19  Benefit Fund Established for Ron Johnson Family

4-19  Dave Nelson elected chairman of Board of Pardons and Paroles

4-25  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

4-28  State Prison Inmate Back In Custody

4-29  Governor Daugaard Proclaims May 1-7 as Correctional Employees Week


3-5  State prison inmate back in custody


2-2  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

2-27  Search underway for missing state prison inmate


1-3  State prison inmate back in custody

1-3  Search underway for missing state prison inmate

1-12  State prison inmate back in custody

1-19  Mitchell man re-elected as Chairman of Board of Pardons and Paroles