The South Dakota Attorney General’s Office operates SAVIN, the Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification system.
SAVIN is a free, automated service that provides crime victims with vital information and notification 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This service will allow you to obtain offender information and to register for notification of a change in offender status, such as offender release. All registrations through South Dakota SAVIN are kept completely confidential. NOTE: YOU MUST REGISTER WITH SAVIN FOR NOTIFICATIONS EVEN IF YOU WERE REGISTERED FOR VICTIM NOTIFICATION SERVICES PREVIOUSLY.
For more information and directions on registering with SAVIN, please visit the Attorney General's Office website.
Further information on victim notification procedures related to DOC offenders is available in the following DOC policies under the Policies section of the DOC website:
500-09 Adult Offender Victim Notification
1200-09 Juvenile Victim Notification