South Dakota Department of Corrections, SD
Home MenuCompliance Monitoring
The Department of Corrections monitors the state's compliance with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA), which was adopted by Congress to establish a comprehensive nationwide program of juvenile delinquency prevention, offender rehabilitation, and juvenile justice system improvements.
States receiving JJDPA funds are required to comply with the requirements contained in the JJDPA. Since South Dakota is a recipient of the Formula Grants Program, staff throughout the juvenile justice system assists in complying with the requirements of the Act.
States are required to designate an agency (referred to as the Designated State Agency, or the DSA) and provide satisfactory evidence that the DSA has authority, by legislation, if necessary, to administer the Title II Formula Grant Program, including monitoring for compliance. South Dakota Codified Law (SDCL) §1-15-27 states that the state shall participate in the Formula Grants Program and SDCL §1-15-28 designates the South Dakota Department of Corrections as the DSA to supervise South Dakota’s participation in the JJDPA. The Department of Corrections is responsible for implementing the state plan in a manner which will ensure compliance with the Act. The law also reads that the Department of Corrections shall seek necessary authority and take all necessary action as provided by law to enforce compliance with the JJDPA. SDCL §24-11-16 supports the Department of Correction’s authority to monitor facilities by requiring that jails must maintain records and make them available to the Department of Corrections for the purposes of monitoring compliance with the requirements of the JJDPA.