South Dakota Department of Corrections, SD
Home MenuFacilities
The SDDOC operates eight state correctional facilities and contracts with three local facilities to house offenders committed to our custody by the courts.
Each DOC correctional facility is defined by security level.
Level I facilities shall have designated boundaries but need not have perimeter fencing. Offenders classified as minimum may be incarcerated in level I facilities, but generally offenders of higher classifications shall not be incarcerated in level I facilities.
Level II facilities shall have designated boundaries with a single or double perimeter fencing. The perimeter of level II facilities should be patrolled periodically. Offenders classified as minimum restrictive and minimum may be incarcerated in level II facilities, but generally offenders of higher classifications shall not be incarcerated in level II facilities. Work release programs may only be established in level II facilities. The minimum centers in Sioux Falls, Yankton, Pierre, and Rapid City are Level II facilities.
Level III facilities generally shall have a wall or double perimeter fencing with razor wire, and detection devices. These facilities shall use controlled sally ports. The perimeter of level III facilities shall be continuously patrolled. Appropriately designated close classified offenders, medium classified offenders, and offenders of lower classification levels may be incarcerated in level III facilities, but generally offenders of higher classifications shall not be incarcerated in level III facilities. The Mike Durfee State Prison in Springfield is a Level III facility.
Level IV facilities shall generally have a wall or double perimeter fencing with razor wire and detection devices. These facilities generally shall use controlled sally ports. The perimeter of level IV facilities shall be continuously patrolled. Close classified offenders and offenders of lower classification levels may be incarcerated in level IV facilities, but generally offenders of higher classifications shall not be incarcerated in level IV facilities on a long-term basis. The South Dakota State Penitentiary is a Level IV facility.
Level V facilities comprise the highest security level and are capable of incarcerating all classification levels. The facilities have double perimeter fencing with razor wire and detection devices or equivalent security architecture. These facilities generally should use controlled sally ports. The perimeter of level V facilities should be continuously patrolled. The Jameson Prison Annex in Sioux Falls and the South Dakota Women’s Prison are Level V facilities.
For design capacity, expanded capacity and operational capacity definitions, populations and capacities, see the most recent Statistical Report on the Analytics portion of the website.
Learn more about adult corrections facilities via section 300 of the DOC policies on the Policies section of this website.
Facility | Address | Phone |
South Dakota State Penitentiary | 1600 North Drive PO Box 5911 Sioux Falls, SD 57117 |
Phone: 605-367-5051 Fax: 605-367-5038 Medical Records Fax: 605-367-5045 |
Jameson Annex | 1600 North Drive PO Box 5911 Sioux Falls, SD 57117 |
Phone: 605-367-5120 Fax: 605-367-5585 Medical Records Fax: 605-367-5166 |
Mike Durfee State Prison | 1412 Wood Street Springfield, SD 57062 |
Phone: 605-369-2201 Fax: 605-369-2813 Medical Records Fax: 605-369-2567 |
Sioux Falls Minimum Center | Same as State Penitentiary | Same as State Penitentiary |
Pierre Minimum Center | Same as Women's Prison | Same as Women's Prison |
South Dakota Women's Prison | 3200 East Highway 34 c/o 500 E. Capitol Ave. Pierre, SD 57501 |
Phone: 605-773-6636 Fax: 605-773-3194 Medical Records Fax: 605-773-5256 |
Rapid City Minimum Center | 2725 Creek Drive Rapid City, SD 57703 |
Phone: 605-394-5294 Fax: 605-394-5295 Medical Records Fax: 605-394-1961 |
Yankton Minimum Center | 178 Mickelson Drive Yankton, SD 57078 |
Phone: 605-668-3355 Fax: 605-668-3358 Medical Records Fax: 605-668-3609 |